The successive Sri-Lankan regimes have managed to deceive the world and, in the process, have bankrupted the country – both morally and financially!
A Criminal
Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brothers are world leaders in deception.
country has criminals, fraudsters and mass murderers holding important positions.
This article will list some of the major deceptions of the Sri-Lankan regimes and will be updated regularly to include more examples of shams, deceptions and frauds.
This is what Gotabaya Rajapaksa told "The Australian" newspaper on 23 March 2009:
UN may tell you that at least 2,000 civilians have been killed in fighting
since January,
"If you want to believe me, believe me, no civilian casualties!
In 2009, the Rajapaksa regime arrested five doctors who worked in the War-zone and forced them to tell the media that a maximum of 750 civilians were killed in the final five months of the war!
In 2011, the regime claimed that around 7,500 civilians were killed!
doctor who worked in
Speaking to the BBC's Sinhala service, Dr Varatharaja said he and his colleagues had been threatened with three to four years in jail if they did not recant their statements.
A UN investigation said 40,000 people were killed in the final five months alone!
The regime first dismissed Channel 4's Sri-Lanka Killing Field programme as a fake. It then said in 2012 that it would use the programme to investigate allegations of War Crime!
March 2014, the Sri-Lankan foreign minister said in
Lankan army to investigate civilian war casualties:
investigates Sri Lanka disappearances:
In 2015, the “new regime” of Maithripala Sirisena co-sponsored a U.N. Human Rights Council resolution calling for the investigation of allegations of war crimes committed during the island nation's long civil war.
Sri Lanka co-sponsored the resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council along with 11 other countries calling for the investigation of allegations of wartime atrocities by both government forces and the Tamil Tiger rebels, The U.S, UK, Australia and Germany were also among the co-sponsors.
Under Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1, Sri Lanka committed to 25 key undertakings across a range of human rights issues. A core pledge was to set up four transitional justice mechanisms to promote “reconciliation, accountability and human rights” in the country. These included an accountability mechanism involving international judges, prosecutors, investigators, and defence lawyers; a truth and reconciliation mechanism; an office on missing persons; and an office for reparations.
imposes sanctions on Sri Lankan War Criminal Shavendra Silva:
embassy cables reveal details of criminal activities within the Sri-Lankan government:
Maithripala Sirisena’s Con Tricks
Maithripala Sirisena’s government had initially backed a UN resolution calling for a war crimes court supported by foreign judges.
In March 2015, Maithripala Sirisena told the BBC that an investigative committee would work "efficiently, in a balanced, legal and impartial manner".
Lanka president Sirisena pledges war crimes inquiry:
In January 2016, he changed his tune, as usual! He told the BBC that he would never allow international involvement!
Lanka president wants 'internal' war crimes court:
In March 2019, the UN high commissioner for human rights, Michelle Bachelet, told the Human Rights Council that in Sri Lanka, “there has been minimal progress on accountability. Continuing impunity risks fuelling communal or interethnic violence, and instability. Resolving these cases, and bringing the perpetrators of past crimes to justice, is necessary to restore the confidence of victims from all communities.”
Sirisena’s government was given repeated warnings about the Easter Sunday bombings by the Indian Intelligence Service and others.
failed to take any action to prevent the attacks and has recently claimed that
he was only the President and Minister of Defence and his job was in policy,
planning, issuing directives and advice!
Impunity Rains
Murderers, Rapists and War Criminals enjoy immunity as the police and the justice system are corrupt and are highly politicized.
as Sri Lanka president pardons Swedish teen's killer:
Sri Lanka's president has pardoned and released an army officer sentenced to death for slitting the throats of Tamil civilians, including four children, during the island's bloody ethnic war:
Sri Lankan president grants clemency to war
Bankrupt Economy
Sri-Lanka has just been downgraded from an upper-middle income country to a lower middle-income country by the World Bank.
Lank is one of only three countries that are moving to a lower category from
the previous year.
Lanka’s economy is among the worst affected by the COVID 19 crisis, according
to a recent ranking by the Economist.
the foreseeable future, Sri Lanka's economy will remain anemic due to its high
debt, weak exports, low foreign direct investment and incompetent government.
Nepotism, Corruption and No Rule-of-Law
Sri Lanka has a long record of state-sponsored
violence and a culture of impunity.
Perpetrators of political violence and fraudsters who are connected to the government act with impunity and people with political connections and suspected war criminals are given important positions!
Sri Lanka’s Expansion into Despotism Goes Unchallenged by Western Democracies:
Sri Lanka: Human Rights Under Attack:
Lawyers, Human Rights Defenders, and Journalists Arrested, Threatened, Intimidated
Check the following to see how Singapore went from third-world to first-world while Sri-Lanka is still stuck in the third-world:
“Sri-Lanka has failed because it has had weak or wrong leaders” Lee Kwan Yew.