Wednesday, 10 March 2021

How Successive Sri-Lankan Regimes Fooled the World with the Collusion of India and the West

                                               Made in the UK?

In Sri-Lanka, ethnoreligious fascism has spread like cancer since 1948. Linguistic nationalism came in 1956 with the Sinhala only Act.

Since Sri Lanka’s independence in 1948, Sri Lanka’s Tamils have been killed, kidnapped, disappeared, raped, robbed, displaced and arbitrarily detained by the successive regimes dominated by the majority Sinhalese.

In an under-developed country, appealing to the majority (majoritarianism) and discriminating against the minority is the easiest path to power. This has led to the tyranny of the majority, insurgencies and a bankrupt economy.

Impunity Breeds Impunity

Sri-Lanka has a long history of state-sponsored terrorism and violence dating back to the 1970s and a culture of impunity.

There have been numerous riots against minorities since 1956.

For example, in July 1983, then President J. R. Jayawardene supplied armed gangs of Sinhalese with voter lists to identify Tamil homes and businesses. He incited the thugs to hack Tamils to death in their houses, offices, and places of work. Thousands of Tamils were murdered.

Remembering Sri Lanka's Black July:

In 2015, the UN called for a special court to try war crimes committed by all sides during the civil war.

According to the UN, years of denials and cover-ups mean the Sri Lankan system is "not yet ready to handle these types of crime".

According to the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein:

"Our investigation has laid bare the horrific level of violations and abuses that occurred in Sri Lanka, including indiscriminate shelling, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, harrowing accounts of torture and sexual violence, recruitment of children and other grave crimes."

He also called on the Sri Lankan government to remove from office anyone, if there were credible grounds to believe they had committed human rights abuses.

The report's main findings include:

·  Numerous unlawful killings between 2002 and 2011, allegedly by both sides; 

·  Enforced disappearances affecting tens of thousands over decades; 

·  The "brutal use of torture" by security forces, in particular during the immediate aftermath of the conflict; 

·  Extensive sexual violence against detainees by the security forces "with men as likely to be victims as women."

The Latest Report from UNHRC

Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a report last month.

She described “a deepening and accelerating militarization of civilian government functions.” Since 2020, she wrote, “The President has appointed at least 28 serving or former military and intelligence personnel to key administrative posts,” including senior military officials who have been alleged in UN reports to be implicated in alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Sowing the Seeds of Conflict

Former UN officials and independent experts call on the international community to take immediate steps towards justice and accountability to end Sri Lanka’s cycles of violence

UK’s Double Dealing in Covering Up War Crimes

While the UK pretends to promote human rights around the world, it is also involved in arming, training and protecting the Sinhalese War Criminals.

In 2013, the UK allowed Mahinda Rajapaksa to host the Commonwealth Summit. Since then the Commonwealth has become the Common-Filth!

During a visit to Sri-Lanka for the Commonwealth Summit, David Cameron condemned Sri Lanka's failure to investigate allegations of "chilling and appalling" war crimes and promised to raise continuing allegations of human rights abuses and the need for an independent inquiry into historic war crimes.

But David Cameron has failed to do anything after dining with Sinhalese War Criminals in Colombo!

The UK has been providing military assistance to the Sri-Lankan military for several decades while condemning the same military for human rights violations!

The UK has imposed sanctions on some Russian and Saudi officials, but it has yet to take any action against the Sinhalese War Criminals!

UK imposes sanctions against human rights abusers:

Even though a cross-party group of British parliamentarians (including several former ministers) have asked the UK government to take action against the Sinhalese War Criminals, the UK government has not done anything!

The Core group led by the UK is likely to pass a weak resolution again at the UNHRC this month to avoid taking strong action against the Sinhalese War Criminals! They plan to drag the process by using sophistry until victims’ families give up. 

Incredible India with No Credibility

Since 1948, every Sri-Lankan regime has taken India for a ride. India has demonstrated that it has no spine to deal with the rogue Sri-Lankan regimes.

The persecution of Sri Lanka’s Tamils started with the passage of the Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948. It denied citizenship to One Million Indian Tamils who were brought by the British to work on tea estates.  

The Act was inspired by Adolph Hitler’s Nuremberg Laws of September 1935, which provided: “A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich. He cannot exercise the right to vote.”

Estate Tamils, the Ceylon citizenship act of 1948 and Sri Lankan politics:

The 1956 Sinhala Only Act was a landmark in the history of Tamil oppression. It generally excluded or handicapped Tamils in public employment, education and housing.

During the Indo-Pakistan War in 1971, Pakistani aircrafts refuelled at the Bandaranaike airport in Colombo.

In June 2011, Pakistani High Commissioner to Sri-Lanka, Seema Ilahi Baloch thanked Sri-Lanka for all the help it provided to Pakistan during the 1971 war against India.

For helping Pakistan during the war, India gave Katchatheevu to Sri-Lanka as a gift in 1974!

Last month, an Indian minister V. K. Singh, said that India was making sincere efforts to take back the island and India would have to wait for the Sri Lankan government to respond!

No self-respecting country would ever hand over its territory to another country – especially a country that is run by dodgy people with a criminal past!

The Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) received air support from these for-hire British pilots despite Indian diplomats publicly condemning the presence of UK mercenaries in Sri Lanka, according to the book, 'Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes',

Indo-Lanka Accord

The accord was signed by India and Sri-Lanka in 1987.

The accord among other things bestowed upon India the responsibility (shared with Sri Lanka) of ensuring and protecting the security and safety of all communities living in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka. Clause 2.16(e) says: “The Governments of Sri Lanka and India will cooperate in ensuring the physical security and safety of all communities inhabiting the Northern and Eastern Provinces.”

Successive Sri-Lankan Regimes have failed to devolve power as required by the accord and managed to fool India for more than 33 years!

Most of the Tamil civilians were killed by the Sri-Lankan regimes after 1987 and India has failed to protect the civilians!

India will play its usual role in watering down the resolution at the UNHRC this month to protect the Sinhalese War Criminals and display its impotence to the world again!

India is not a leader, but a follower and it is playing second-fiddle to China in South Asia!

An Oscar Winning Performance by the US

Like all Western Countries, the US is very good at talking about human rights and in pretending to promote human rights and rule-of-law.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa was a US citizen when he was involved in mass murders in Sri-Lanka.

After the end of the civil war in 2009, he travelled to the US many times and the US government took no action against him!

The only action the US government has taken so far is to ban one Sinhalese War Criminal, Shavendra Silva, from entering the US!

The US has taken action to bring murderers to justice when US citizens were the victims, but it has failed to take any action against the Sinhalese War Criminals.

Weak and Clueless EU

In 2017, the EU reinstated GSP Plus after the “new Sri-Lankan regime” gave various promises to improve the human rights record, including revocation of the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).

The reinstatement of the GSP Plus was met with widespread criticism from human rights organisations.

The “new Sri-Lankan regime” has failed (as usual) to deliver on any of the commitments it made to the EU. The EU has done nothing so far!

Sri-Lanka relies on the US, UK and EU markets for more than 50% of its exports.

If Western countries are serious in dealing with the Sinhalese War Criminals and preventing future human rights abuses in Sri-Lanka, they can impose economic sanctions.

The current Sri-Lankan regime has repeatedly boasted that it was elected purely from the votes of the Sinhalese. Therefore, the Sinhalese who voted for the War Criminals and fraudsters need to be made to pay a heavy price. 

The Sri-Lankan regime is the model for future rogue regimes around the world.

If the regime gets away without punishment, it will create similar odious regimes around the world in the future.


“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere” 

                           Martin Luther King Jr

Other Useful Articles:

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Sri-Lanka - The Morally and Financially Bankrupt Banana Republic

The successive Sri-Lankan regimes have managed to deceive the world and, in the process, have bankrupted the country – both morally and financially! 

A Criminal Enterprise

Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brothers are world leaders in deception. 

The country has criminals, fraudsters and mass murderers holding important positions. 

This article will list some of the major deceptions of the Sri-Lankan regimes and will be updated regularly to include more examples of shams, deceptions and frauds.   

This is what Gotabaya Rajapaksa told "The Australian" newspaper on 23 March 2009: 

The UN may tell you that at least 2,000 civilians have been killed in fighting since January, but Sri Lanka's Secretary of Defence, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, says there are none. Absolutely none. 

"If you want to believe me, believe me, no civilian casualties! 

In 2009, the Rajapaksa regime arrested five doctors who worked in the War-zone and forced them to tell the media that a maximum of 750 civilians were killed in the final five months of the war! 

In 2011, the regime claimed that around 7,500 civilians were killed! 

A doctor who worked in Sri Lanka's combat zone in the final days of the civil war told the BBC in March 2014 that he was forced by the government to retract his claims about casualty figures. 

Speaking to the BBC's Sinhala service, Dr Varatharaja said he and his colleagues had been threatened with three to four years in jail if they did not recant their statements. 

A UN investigation said 40,000 people were killed in the final five months alone!

The regime first dismissed Channel 4's Sri-Lanka Killing Field programme as a fake. It then said in 2012 that it would use the programme to investigate allegations of War Crime! 

In March 2014, the Sri-Lankan foreign minister said in Geneva that the government would use Channel 4 videos to “identify witnesses.” 

Sri Lankan army to investigate civilian war casualties:

BBC investigates Sri Lanka disappearances:

In 2015, the “new regime” of Maithripala Sirisena co-sponsored a U.N. Human Rights Council resolution calling for the investigation of allegations of war crimes committed during the island nation's long civil war. 

Sri Lanka co-sponsored the resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council along with 11 other countries calling for the investigation of allegations of wartime atrocities by both government forces and the Tamil Tiger rebels, The U.S, UK,  Australia and Germany were also among the co-sponsors. 

Under Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1, Sri Lanka committed to 25 key undertakings across a range of human rights issues. A core pledge was to set up four transitional justice mechanisms to promote “reconciliation, accountability and human rights” in the country. These included an accountability mechanism involving international judges, prosecutors, investigators, and defence lawyers; a truth and reconciliation mechanism; an office on missing persons; and an office for reparations.  

US imposes sanctions on Sri Lankan War Criminal Shavendra Silva:

US embassy cables reveal details of criminal activities within the Sri-Lankan government:

Maithripala Sirisena’s Con Tricks 

Maithripala Sirisena’s government had initially backed a UN resolution calling for a war crimes court supported by foreign judges. 

In March 2015, Maithripala Sirisena told the BBC that an investigative committee would work "efficiently, in a balanced, legal and impartial manner". 

Sri Lanka president Sirisena pledges war crimes inquiry:

In January 2016, he changed his tune, as usual! He told the BBC that he would never allow international involvement!

Sri Lanka president wants 'internal' war crimes court:

In March 2019, the UN high commissioner for human rights, Michelle Bachelet, told the Human Rights Council that in Sri Lanka, “there has been minimal progress on accountability. Continuing impunity risks fuelling communal or interethnic violence, and instability. Resolving these cases, and bringing the perpetrators of past crimes to justice, is necessary to restore the confidence of victims from all communities.”

Sirisena’s government was given repeated warnings about the Easter Sunday bombings by the Indian Intelligence Service and others. 

He failed to take any action to prevent the attacks and has recently claimed that he was only the President and Minister of Defence and his job was in policy, planning, issuing directives and advice!

Impunity Rains 

Murderers, Rapists and War Criminals enjoy immunity as the police and the justice system are corrupt and are highly politicized. 

Outrage as Sri Lanka president pardons Swedish teen's killer:

Sri Lanka's president has pardoned and released an army officer sentenced to death for slitting the throats of Tamil civilians, including four children, during the island's bloody ethnic war:

Sri Lankan president grants clemency to war criminal:

Bankrupt Economy 

Sri-Lanka has just been downgraded from an upper-middle income country to a lower middle-income country by the World Bank. 

Sri Lank is one of only three countries that are moving to a lower category from the previous year.

Sri Lanka’s economy is among the worst affected by the COVID 19 crisis, according to a recent ranking by the Economist.

For the foreseeable future, Sri Lanka's economy will remain anemic due to its high debt, weak exports, low foreign direct investment and incompetent government.

Nepotism, Corruption and No Rule-of-Law 

Sri Lanka has a long record of state-sponsored violence and a culture of impunity.

Perpetrators of political violence and fraudsters who are connected to the government act with impunity and people with political connections and suspected war criminals are given important positions!

Sri Lanka’s Expansion into Despotism Goes Unchallenged by Western Democracies:

Sri Lanka: Human Rights Under Attack:

Lawyers, Human Rights Defenders, and Journalists Arrested, Threatened, Intimidated

Check the following to see how Singapore went from third-world to first-world while Sri-Lanka is still stuck in the third-world: 

“Sri-Lanka has failed because it has had weak or wrong leaders”   Lee Kwan Yew.